At Vantage Hall we realize every child is special and will acclimatize differently to life at Vantage Hall at the outset.

Our transitioning program is designed to help your daughter start enjoying life at Vantage Hall immediately. The program provides a bridge between the structure of boarding school and the structure of home. In attempting to re-create an environment similar to family life at home, transition students form a living unit and are expected to take part in group activities (such as team sports, eating together, movies, hikes, and excursions).

Each girl is special at Vantage Hall Girls’ Residential Senior Secondary School. From their very first day each girl is monitored and mentored by a team of individuals dedicated to ensure she has all the support she needs at every stage during the year. We strive for a collaborative culture in a small and tight-knit community.


Nutruring Strong Independent Girls

Team activities across all disciplines

Easy access for one-on-one interaction with the principal and all staff

Teachers and coaches that act as guides and mentors

House mothers and pastoral care team that quickly forms a special bond with each child

Educational and living spaces designed with the child in mind

The medical staff at school includes a Doctor and School Nurse. They are always available to address each child’s medical needs and, when needed, Counsellors are readily available to discuss anything from the pressures of studies or sports to just feeling homesick.
